Ms. Ferriolo • Ms. Paras • Ms. Sisley
Specials Schedule
Class K10
ART: Friday
LIBRARY: Wednesday
GYM: Monday & Tuesday
Class K20
ART: Monday
LIBRARY: Tuesday
GYM: Tuesday & Thursday
All students must wear sneakers on gym days
All library books should be returned to school on or before your library day in order to take out a new book
Student's will be recieving homework each night Monday - Thursday.
Please be sure of the following:
Student's complete hw on his/her own
Student's should bring in their hw folder to school each day
Hw folders should be emptied each Friday
Some things to work on with your child at home:
Working on counting different objects using tap/touch and count, and tap and move strategies
Ask them to talk about the Star Books they are reading in class
Give them time to draw and talk about their drawings
Ask your child “What went well at school today?”
Upcoming Studies
Social Studies - Apple Study
Math - Patterns
Writing - Pattern Books