Fifth Grade
Ms. Rolli • Ms. Ward • Ms. Hands
Please encourage your child to read at home! They should be reading for at least 30 minutes every night. They have books from the school library and the classroom library in their book bags. In addition, they can read online. Each child has access to two online reading resources: Raz Kids and Storyworks. Their passwords and login information for the websites is taped into their planners.
Students will have writing homework 2-3 times per week. They should use the strategies they learn in class to try out ideas in their notebooks. Writing ideas will be developed in the notebook, and then taken out of the notebook to draft, revise, and edit. Students will publish in a variety of genres throughout the year.
In their reading and writing notebooks, there is a green tab section towards the back called Resources. If your child is needing extra support, this is a good place to look to see what we have been learning in class.