First Grade
Ms. Khusrokhan • Ms. Betty • Ms. Yun- Wong
Specials Schedule
Class 100
ART: Monday & Tuesday
LIBRARY: Wednesday
GYM: Thursday & Friday
Class 110
ART: Monday & Friday
LIBRARY: Wednesday
GYM: Tuesday & Wednesday
All students must wear sneakers on gym days
All library books should be returned to school on or before your library day in order to take out a new book
Each night for homework your child must:
Read from their book baggies for 15-20 minutes
Recite alphabet chart found in their poem notebook (saying: letter - picture - sound)
Read poems
Read copies of shared readings
Mrs. Wishy Washy
Wishy Washy Day
Complete math and word study sheets found in homework folder
Homework should be completed neatly in pencil
Please be sure to check your child's homework folder each day for important notices. Any corrected homework and notices should be left at home.
Curriculum & Resources
In reading workshop, we are revisiting some familiar texts from Kindergarten and have also introduced some new poems. In our first unit we will be working on reading strategies such as:
Looking at the picture
Pointing at the words
Getting our mouth ready
At home, students should visit Kids A-Z to read or have books read to them at his/her level. Click the link below to check it out!
For word study we follow the Fundations curriculum. In our first unit we will be revisiting and reviewing letters and corresponding sounds as well as proper letter formation.
Check out the links below to see how we form our letters and watch audio flashcards of the letters and their corresponding sounds.
In math we are currently working on counting multiple objects using 1:1 correspondence, rote counting, number formation and recognition of numbers beyond 10. This will be followed by a focus on combinations of ten and doubles (ex: a combination of ten would be 4+6=10, a double would be 6+6=12). We will also discuss less, more and equal.
For at home practice, you can print the number cards below and play math card games to reinforce our current concepts. Students can also visit the Investigations website and play many of the games we play in school, on your computer at home!